The Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation (DDWS), Ministry of Jal Shakti which is the nodal Department for Swachh Bharat-Grameen is establishing a State-of-art RashtriyaSwachhata Kendra (RSK) at Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, New Delhi. The RSK is being set up as an experience center, which uses modern technology to chronicle India's Swachhata journey in a hi-tech edutainment format with a mix of indoor digital and outdoor physical exhibits. The RSK will be inaugurated on 8thAugust,2020.On this occasion, DDWS is launching the GandagiMukt Bharat (GMB) campaign, a special week long campaign for swachhata from 8thAugust to 15thAugust. As a part of this JNV, Mayannur Thrissur students undertaken Tree Plantation as Shramdaan in their villages.